Sunday, December 14, 2008

"I'm going to find Jesus"

I've been very busy the past couple of weeks. Here are a few of the high points....

  • Nana and Nana Rose went were on an airplane and had a lay over in MSP so they came looking at Christmas lights with me, mommy, and daddy. We also stopped for ice cream!
  • I've learned that when we are at stop lights red means stop and green means go. I now announce to my chauffer (my mom) what color the light is and whether they should go or stop.
  • I had a pajama party at Preschool. I wore my Little Mermaid jammies, and my princess slippers. We watched Dora's Christmas movie and ate popcorn.
  • I love looking at Christmas lights. I like to find Baby Jesus, and green lights. Sometimes I tell people that I'm going to look at lights by saying "I'm going to find Jesus".
  • I went to my first "kid" birthday party. My friend Bella is turning 3 and we celebrated yesterday. We played and danced. Then we ate pizza and cupcakes. I had fun, but I was a little nervous mommy was going to leave me, so I didnt let her out of my sight.

1 comment:

Magee's Dad said... always tell me that Orange means be should get a public service annoucement to tell people that because most drivers are not careful.

Love you Daddy