First of all, since Natalie's last post she turned 4. Here is a picture of her celebrating her big day!
For her birthday Mama and Daddy took Natalie to see Taylor Swift. I stayed home with a babysitter, but they had a LOT of fun! Her is a picture of them at the concert.
At the end of May we moved into a new house. We LOVE it. I have my own room! Mommy painted it purple and put up some fancy purple and pink polka dots. I have a nice big closet and my own bookshelf, too. I love my new room!
Natalie got a new room too. Mommy painted in pink and put up pretty flowers. We also have a new play room and a big empty basement. We have our own big yard and a swing set. Nana bought us each a new swing and a tire swing, too! Over all we all have more room and we all think it is great.
Last weekend we went to spend some time with Nana and Papa. We had a fun time. Nattles went fishing with Papa, Auntie Amy, Mama and Daddy. I stayed home and played with Nana. Also, Mama and I went shopping with Nana Rose. Nana Rose is an excellent shopping partner....she feeds me goldfish crackers while Mama tries on clothes!!! She also fed me strawberries and whipped cream at lunch!!! We visited with Uncle Dave, Auntie Jill and Cory too. Auntie Jill gave me ice cream, Cory made me laugh with his dancing, and Uncle Dave helped me walk behind one of the boys' old push toys. Here is a picture of me taste testing the sticks in Nana and Papa's yard.
Overall, we've had a fun summer. It was my first summer, so I had a lot of big firsts. My first time crawling in the grass, first time going to the pool, first time playing on the swingset and much more. As we approach Autumn we get close to another FIRST birthday.
Whew, all this catching up has made me sleepy...time for my afternoon nap! Goodnight!