Friday, January 30, 2009

Girl Day

I love Fridays. Fridays are called "Girl Day" because Mommy and I get to hang out all day. Today we saw some of our favorite girls. First we went shopping, then we went to lunch with Emi and Janelle...then we went to the ACS offices to see Tammy and her co-workers. Tammy spoiled me (as usual). Then we came home, and mommy and I snuggled. It was one of the best girl days ever! :)

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

This morning Mommy and I were watching the Dora the Explorer episode where they talk about what they want to be when I grow up. Mommy asked me what I would like to be when I grow up. It took me a little bit of time to think about it, but I decided that I would like to be the sun when I grow up. Mommy said she is not sure what to say about that, but I'm pretty sure that is what I'm going to be...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My new fancy bed

This is me getting ready to sleep in my new big girl bed for the very first time. I got kind of excited about it and woke up Mommy and Daddy at about 4:00 a.m. But they took me back to my room and snuggled in my bed with me for a while. I can't wait to have Auntie, Nana, and Papa sleep over in my room with me!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Karate Kick = Big Girl Bed

So the other morning I was just chillin' in my crib and I got a little crazy. I was kicking and playing and I kinda kicked thru my crib. As in, when Mommy came to get me there was busted lumber on the floor. Mommy was not thrilled with the situation, but Mommy and Daddy talked it over and decided that I needed a big girl bed. So I have been practicing sleeping in a big girl bed by putting my crib mattress on the floor in my room, and Mommy and Daddy took apart my crib. So far, I'm doing okay on my pretend big girl bed....but sometimes I sneak out of bed to get toys....but shhhhhhh, dont tell Mommy and Daddy!

2024 Olympian

I have taken up the sport of Gymnastics. Here are some photos of me:

Watch for me in 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bad hair day

Last night Mommy and I were snuggling on the couch with the football game on. I saw this guy on the tv and said "Someone is having a bad hair day".

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas and New Years

I apologize for my absense the past few weeks. With Christmas and New Years I have been a very busy MaGee!

I celebrated Christmas at home with the traditional chocolate chip pancakes with mommy, daddy and Lady. Then I celebrated Christmas at Nana and Papa's house....then I celebrated at Grandma Janet's house! Uff-da! That is a lot of presents to open! I also hosted a Christmas party at our house before Christmas, and went to 2 Christmas parties (at Adelyn's and Bobbi & Dean's)....not to mention the preschool Christmas party! I think I'm just about done with Christmas for this year!

After Christmas I stayed at Nana & Papa's house for a couple days while mommy and daddy went back to Lakeville to work. Then, Auntie Amy brought me home and we had a New Years Eve party. My friends were there and we had fun, I even to go stay up late!

Now, since it is January we are back to school and mommy is back to work. We've been very busy. Not only did I go back to preschool and daycare this week, but I also started gymnastics. I was sooooo excited! I found it a little hard to listen to directions I was so excited! I wore my pink leotard and pink leg warmers. I felt fancy and had a lot of fun on all the equipment! My teacher's name is Ms. Courtney and I can't wait to go back this week!