Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Mommy, Daddy and Auntie took me sliding at Fountain Hill Park in Babbitt. We met my cousins Dylan and Cody there too. Here is a video of me trying to climb back up the hill. My snow pants are too darn slippery!!!!!!!!
So I know it has been a long time since I've been on here. Mommy has been so busy she has not had time to help me log on to the computer!
Whitney and I have had a busy Christmas season. I sang two songs in church with my Sunday School friends. I went to a Christmas party at my friend Adelyn's house, we had a Christmas party at our house. I had a party at preschool. Mommy and I decorated Christmas cookies, and Whit and I helped mommy do a lot of Christmas shopping.
We opened gifts in Lakeville then drove to Babbitt the night before Christmas Eve. My whole family went to church on Christmas Eve then everyone came over to Nana and Papa's house for dinner and gifts.
Here are a few pictures of Whitney and I. Merry Christmas!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Welcome Honey Pie Pony
My baby sister was finally born! She was born on Sunday October 11th at 4:52 PM. Daddy held her first, then Mommy, then ME!!!! Mommy and Daddy called as soon as she was born. I could hear her little cries over the phone. Nana, Auntie Amy and I rushed to the hospital right away so that we could see her. Here are some pictures of me holding her.
I have been a great big sister so far. I help get diapers and wipes when she needs to be changed. And I help burp her after Mommy feeds her. She is my best friend, and I can't wait for her to grow up so she can play with me!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Only Child
Mommy and Daddy said today is my last day of being an only child. They say that Honey Pie Pony is going to arrive tomorrow. They have been saying she is coming "any day" for a few weeks....I'm beginning to think that she will NEVER come! (Mommy says she feels the same way). I'll believe it when I see her tomorrow. I am number 3 to hold her. First Mommy, then Daddy, then ME! I think I will be a great big-sister. I kiss and hug mommy's belly each day, and I've been practicing using an "inside voice"....but that is REALLY hard for me. I've also been practicing singing so I can see lullabies to Honey Pie.
I can't wait to meet my baby sister!
I can't wait to meet my baby sister!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Many Adventures of ..........??????
Mommy has asked that when my sister comes I blog about her adventures as well. That means I need to change the name of this blog...... I'm currently taking suggestions for the new name.
Apple Picking
Apple picking time!!!!
Yesterday Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Amy and I went to the apple orchard in Lakeville. We picked a big bushel of Haralson apples, and taste tested almost all the other types of apples. I really liked all of them. We even found some raspberries to taste test.
After we were done picking, we went back to the barn. They had pumpkins there too. Some were cute and little and some were HUGE. Some of them had bumps all over them too....they looked funny! Mommy and Daddy let me pick out one pumpkin for me and one pumpkin for Honey Pie Pony.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Growing Up
I've been very busy this fall. Not only do I have preschool 2 mornings a week, I have had to reschedule my gymnastics to Thursday evenings. I have started going to Kids Klub with my friend Adelyn at her church on Wednesday nights, and next week I start Sunday School at Prince of Peace!
Speaking of Sunday School, today was a big day for me at church. I was given a Bible. It is a Read to Me Bible, so it is fully of pictures and stories about Jesus. Mommy and Daddy wrote my name in it and todays date so I will always remember getting my Bible from my church family.
I've also been busy getting ready to be a big sister. Mommy and Daddy say that only God knows when Honey Pie will be born, but that it will be anyday now. This morning we drove past the hospital that she is going to be born at, Mommy said that is where I was born too! I like to give Honey Pie kisses and hugs, and I rub her every morning (at 7:00, when I wake up).
Today I practiced my letters with Mommy and Daddy. So far I know K is for Kate. N is for Natalie. A is for Apple, Auntie and Amy. M is for Matt or Magee. H is for Hall. I also know all my numbers, but sometimes I get 2 and 5 confused. Seven and three are my favorite numbers. Seven because that is what time I watch for on my clock...when my Princess clock starts with a seven I know I can wake up. And three is my other favorite for obvious reasons...I AM three!
If I ever see a seven or a three I will immediately alert all who are around me of this. I also am very quick to point out any N's that I see.
Speaking of Sunday School, today was a big day for me at church. I was given a Bible. It is a Read to Me Bible, so it is fully of pictures and stories about Jesus. Mommy and Daddy wrote my name in it and todays date so I will always remember getting my Bible from my church family.
I've also been busy getting ready to be a big sister. Mommy and Daddy say that only God knows when Honey Pie will be born, but that it will be anyday now. This morning we drove past the hospital that she is going to be born at, Mommy said that is where I was born too! I like to give Honey Pie kisses and hugs, and I rub her every morning (at 7:00, when I wake up).
Today I practiced my letters with Mommy and Daddy. So far I know K is for Kate. N is for Natalie. A is for Apple, Auntie and Amy. M is for Matt or Magee. H is for Hall. I also know all my numbers, but sometimes I get 2 and 5 confused. Seven and three are my favorite numbers. Seven because that is what time I watch for on my clock...when my Princess clock starts with a seven I know I can wake up. And three is my other favorite for obvious reasons...I AM three!
If I ever see a seven or a three I will immediately alert all who are around me of this. I also am very quick to point out any N's that I see.
Friday, September 11, 2009
First Day of Preschool
I'm going to Fit to Learn Preschool at Life Time Fitness, where my mommy works.
My teachers name is Ms. Kelly, and her daughter, Hannah, is in my class, too. I love playing with Hannah!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Funny Stuff
I think most of you know this....I talk A LOT! Here are some of the funny/cute things I've said lately:
While riding in the care with Mommy and Daddy, daddy said to me: "What are you looking at?"
"My Mom" I answered.
"Why" asked Daddy.
"Because she is so cute" I replied.
"Number 4 is Brett Favre"
"You are the best Mommy ever!"
When my friend Bill walked into his own surprise party "PEPPERONI!!!!!!"
While singing a Taylah Switch (Taylor Swift) song, "I wear high heals she wears Sketchers"
While riding in the care with Mommy and Daddy, daddy said to me: "What are you looking at?"
"My Mom" I answered.
"Why" asked Daddy.
"Because she is so cute" I replied.
"Number 4 is Brett Favre"
"You are the best Mommy ever!"
When my friend Bill walked into his own surprise party "PEPPERONI!!!!!!"
While singing a Taylah Switch (Taylor Swift) song, "I wear high heals she wears Sketchers"
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Twins Baseball Vs. Princess Protection Program
The other night Mommy, Daddy an I were watching the Twins game....okay, I really wasn't watching it. I was busy playing but I could hear what was going on.
Dick and Bert (who never circled me at my first Twins game....) were talking about one of the players. His last name was Gomez. The conversation went something like this:
Dick: Blah Blah Blah.
Bert: Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Gomez.
Me: Gomez? Like Salena Gomez and Demi Lavato from the Princess Protecton Program? I like Demi Lavato, she has pretty makeup.
Dick and Bert (who never circled me at my first Twins game....) were talking about one of the players. His last name was Gomez. The conversation went something like this:
Dick: Blah Blah Blah.
Bert: Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Gomez.
Me: Gomez? Like Salena Gomez and Demi Lavato from the Princess Protecton Program? I like Demi Lavato, she has pretty makeup.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Sweetie
For those of you who have not met Sweetie yet, she is my imaginary friend. She goes with me everywhere. Wednesday was Sweetie's birthday. Mom and Dad didn't know about it, so I had to remind them in the morning about it. Mom did have a birthday gift for Sweetie, but she wouldn't let me have a party for her. Sweetie really wanted cupcakes to celebrate...maybe next week when Sweetie has another birthday....
Monday, July 13, 2009
Family Day
Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Mommy and Daddy always reserve Sunday for "Family Day". That means Mommy, Daddy and I always get to do something fun together. Yesterday we went to the Mall of America. I got to meet Dora and SpongeBob. I also went on some rides. Then we went for lunch at Johnny Rocket's (Mommy's FAVORITE!). It was a really fun day. When we got home we all took a nice big nap! It was a great day!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Let me check my calendar
Since I'm so busy, I'm always asking what day it is, what we are going to do each day, what tomorrow is, what we are going to do, etc. Mommy decided to buy me a calendar so we can write what I am going to do each day, and cross out the days that already happened. I take this calendar very seriously. Today someone asked me when I could go play with them, so I politely replied "I'll have to check my calendar".
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The past two months
Okay, It has been a very long time since I've written on my blog. I do apologize....but Daddy, Mommy and I have been very busy. Here is a recap....
In early May, Mommy, Daddy and I went on a vacation to California. We stayed and Uncle Joe's house and lots of fun with him and "the sistas". We went to In-n-Out Burger (I LOVED it!), shopped at the "Jungle" Target, played mini golf, swam in the pool, and went to Disneyland! We rented a fancy convertable and I even got sunburnt on my legs from cruising with the top down!
After we got home from California, I turned 3! I had a party at preschool, and celebrated at dinner with Uncle Derek, Uncle Dave, Nana, Auntie Amy, Mommy and Daddy. Then I had a party at Life Time and had 15 of my friends there. Then I had a party at my house with more grown up friends! I love birthdays! Mommy and Daddy bought me my own laptop and a toy box!
We spent the rest of May and early June with trips to the park, swimming at Life Time, coloring with sidewalk chalk, and blowing bubbles in the yard.
At the end of June we went to Babbitt to visit our family. Mommy, Daddy and I went to the kids races, watched Nana compete in the weight lifting competition, and spent lots of fun time with our family. Mommy and Daddy had to go back to Lakeville, but I got to stay in Babbitt!!!! I had so much fun with Nana, Papa, "Amy", Nana Rose, Jay, Michelle, Cory, and Auntie Jill! We went to the Bear Center, played at the park, and ate lots of ice cream shakes!
When my time in Babbitt was done Amy and Nana brought me back to Lakeville...but before the left we did some fun stuff! We went to the 4th of July parade, went shopping, roasted marshmallows and watched lots of fireworks!
So that is what I have been up to for the last two months....I will try to be better about my blogging, but I am a very busy young lady!
Here are a few pictures from along the way....
Monday, April 27, 2009
Mommy, Daddy and I are going on "macation" to Uncle Joe Joe's in California later this week. I'm really excited to sit in my own chair on the airplane, and to ride in the convertable that Mommy and Daddy are renting.
Daddy said if I'm a good girl I might be able to go see Mickey Mouse. He said there might even be a ride for me to go on!!!!! :-D
We get to sleep over at Uncle Joe Joe's house with Auntie Patty, Jay Boffa, Emily & Shannon.
I can't wait!
Daddy said if I'm a good girl I might be able to go see Mickey Mouse. He said there might even be a ride for me to go on!!!!! :-D
We get to sleep over at Uncle Joe Joe's house with Auntie Patty, Jay Boffa, Emily & Shannon.
I can't wait!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Lost in Translation
The other night mommy and daddy were talking to each other. The conversation went like this:
Mommy: I'm not really hungry for dinner, should I just make some mashed potatos?
Daddy: Sure, lets vacuum seal the pork chops then.
I translated it for them and said "Mommy, you need to vacuum then make the tomatoes. "
Mommy: I'm not really hungry for dinner, should I just make some mashed potatos?
Daddy: Sure, lets vacuum seal the pork chops then.
I translated it for them and said "Mommy, you need to vacuum then make the tomatoes. "
Our Songs
Mommy and Daddy each have a special song with me.
My song with Mommy is by Darius Rucker (or Darius Wucker, as I say). Mommy says it is about me. It is called It Won't Be Like This For Long. I like to sing along at the TOP of my lungs. This song usually makes mommy cry, but when I sing it makes her giggle!
My song with Daddy is Viva La Vida by Coldplay. Daddy and I rock out to it in his car. I like to sing along to that song too. "Ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhh"
My song with Mommy is by Darius Rucker (or Darius Wucker, as I say). Mommy says it is about me. It is called It Won't Be Like This For Long. I like to sing along at the TOP of my lungs. This song usually makes mommy cry, but when I sing it makes her giggle!
My song with Daddy is Viva La Vida by Coldplay. Daddy and I rock out to it in his car. I like to sing along to that song too. "Ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhh"
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Big Sister Magee
In case you have not heard yet, I'm going to be a BIG SISTER! I'm very excited! I have named the baby Honey Pie Pony. I like to give mommy's belly hugs and kisses. I really want the baby to be a sister, but Mommy and Daddy want it to be a brother. The new baby will be here in the fall, and I can't wait to meet her!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Girl Day
I love Fridays. Fridays are called "Girl Day" because Mommy and I get to hang out all day. Today we saw some of our favorite girls. First we went shopping, then we went to lunch with Emi and Janelle...then we went to the ACS offices to see Tammy and her co-workers. Tammy spoiled me (as usual). Then we came home, and mommy and I snuggled. It was one of the best girl days ever! :)
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
This morning Mommy and I were watching the Dora the Explorer episode where they talk about what they want to be when I grow up. Mommy asked me what I would like to be when I grow up. It took me a little bit of time to think about it, but I decided that I would like to be the sun when I grow up. Mommy said she is not sure what to say about that, but I'm pretty sure that is what I'm going to be...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
My new fancy bed
This is me getting ready to sleep in my new big girl bed for the very first time. I got kind of excited about it and woke up Mommy and Daddy at about 4:00 a.m. But they took me back to my room and snuggled in my bed with me for a while. I can't wait to have Auntie, Nana, and Papa sleep over in my room with me!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Karate Kick = Big Girl Bed
So the other morning I was just chillin' in my crib and I got a little crazy. I was kicking and playing and I kinda kicked thru my crib. As in, when Mommy came to get me there was busted lumber on the floor. Mommy was not thrilled with the situation, but Mommy and Daddy talked it over and decided that I needed a big girl bed. So I have been practicing sleeping in a big girl bed by putting my crib mattress on the floor in my room, and Mommy and Daddy took apart my crib. So far, I'm doing okay on my pretend big girl bed....but sometimes I sneak out of bed to get toys....but shhhhhhh, dont tell Mommy and Daddy!
2024 Olympian
I have taken up the sport of Gymnastics. Here are some photos of me:
Watch for me in 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Bad hair day
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Christmas and New Years
I apologize for my absense the past few weeks. With Christmas and New Years I have been a very busy MaGee!
I celebrated Christmas at home with the traditional chocolate chip pancakes with mommy, daddy and Lady. Then I celebrated Christmas at Nana and Papa's house....then I celebrated at Grandma Janet's house! Uff-da! That is a lot of presents to open! I also hosted a Christmas party at our house before Christmas, and went to 2 Christmas parties (at Adelyn's and Bobbi & Dean's)....not to mention the preschool Christmas party! I think I'm just about done with Christmas for this year!
After Christmas I stayed at Nana & Papa's house for a couple days while mommy and daddy went back to Lakeville to work. Then, Auntie Amy brought me home and we had a New Years Eve party. My friends were there and we had fun, I even to go stay up late!
Now, since it is January we are back to school and mommy is back to work. We've been very busy. Not only did I go back to preschool and daycare this week, but I also started gymnastics. I was sooooo excited! I found it a little hard to listen to directions I was so excited! I wore my pink leotard and pink leg warmers. I felt fancy and had a lot of fun on all the equipment! My teacher's name is Ms. Courtney and I can't wait to go back this week!
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